The recommended after-Spindig event is the Sugar Pie De Santo benefit party at the Elbo Room, presented by Groove Merchant. From DJ B.Cause: "San Francisco R&B queen Sugar Pie DeSanto lost everything when her Oakland apartment burned down October 26th of last year. Her husband died trying to fight the blaze. Help us give back to a lady who's given us so much, truly a Bay Area music legend. She will likely be in attendance that evening. 100% of proceeds will go to the the Sugar Pie Desanto Fund. If would like to simply donate, please contact Wells Fargo to make contributions: (510) 597-4210."

On Saturday, January 13th, Mesh Magazine's Gucci Time party returns to the Rickshaw Stop. The last one was crazy fun and this one promises to be bonkers. (Sorry, I just watched "The White Rapper Show.") To get in the mood, watch Kirb and Chris's "New Wave Thuggin" video (please!):
And look for them on an upcoming episode of VETV.
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