Luke Sick and DJ Marz, San Jose
Tonight at the Elbo Room: Red Wine Presents: Motion Man plus
Fat Hed, Sacred Hoop and DJ Toph One. Like whoa. Big ups to Toph for putting this dope lineup together on a Saturday night.

Motion Man is great live (I wish he'd put on a cape and do "Mo' Like Flows On" just once.), and I've been fiending for some live Sacred Hoop action since Luke Sick returned to the Bay from Arizona. DJ Raw B will be providing the beats for Luke to spit to. Not sure if KutMasta Kurt will be DJing for Motion Man. Hope so.

DJ Ayres, Catchdubs, VinSol
Damn, had a blast at the premiere of the Superfriends party at Milk last weekend. Vin got me in free, Nick gave me THREE (count 'em, three) drink tickets and Ayres blessed me with a New Year's Eve at The Rub CD and a 10-Deep/The Rub tank top. "What nice boys," as my mom would say. In the words of the late, great Robin Harris, "Thank you, please come again." The Superfriends party now happens every Thursday night at Milk. I think I want to try and catch Mark Ronson on February 23rd.

A big Matthew Africa fan (me) and Matthew Africa @ Superfriends
So when I first ordered this Funkadelic shirt, it got lost in the mail and they sent another one. Both eventually made it to my mailbox, so now I have an extra. I know, I should send it back. But I don't have much time for the ol' post office, so if any of my friends out there want the extra, let me know. It's a lavender women's large. Speaking of Funkadelic, here's a good interview with Bernie Worrell.
EXCITING news: The VE Radio show will be on the actual radio dial, thanks to KULT Radio at 89.9 FM in San Francisco. Tentative air times are Wednesday nights 7-8 and Saturday nights 10-11. You can listen live online if you can't get it on your radio dial. My radio dreams are soon to come true. Thanks to any of you who've taken the time to listen to my dusty old records, self-serving drops and rambling on VE Radio.